- ※從第1堂課至最後1堂課皆列入成績考核,加退選期間未出席者,仍依成績考核規定列入評定。
- ※請留意每堂課的上課日期與時間,準時到課。
- ※本課程為微學分課程,依前揭考核結果採通過、不通過制。通過者列計學分數,但不列入平均成績計算。
課程開設於:清華學院 (THC)
- From the first class to the last class will be included in the grade assessment scale.
- Please pay attention to the dates of each class and be attendant on time.
- This course is a micro-credit course, and is based on a pass/fail system according to the results of the previous assessment. Passed students will receive credit, but will not be included in the calculation of the GPA.
The courses offered by Tsing Hua College (THC).
The course is managed by the Division of Career Development.
Course Number 11320THC 105200 Credit:0.7 | Course name:Enterprise Navigation: The Global Supply Chain Management for Semiconductor Industry and Micron. Teaching Company:Micron ※ Offered in English. |
Time:Monday 15:30-17:20 Room:GEN II 204 Date:Feb 17th, Mar 3rd, Mar 24th, Apr 14th, May 5th, May 26th Class Size:40 Important Notices: - This course is not open to freshmen, sophomores, and in-service program students.
- If you are from an Interdisciplinary Program and cannot select this course, please contact the Division of Career Development.
科號 11320THC 103700 0.8學分 | 課程名稱:科技巨擘 引爆未來 授課企業:愛德萬測試 ※ 中文授課 |
上課時間:週四下午13:20-15:10 上課地點:創新育成中心119教室(近南門) 課程堂數:共7堂(每堂2小時,中文授課) 授課日期:2/20、3/6、3/20、4/10、4/24、5/8、5/22 授課對象:30人 注意事項: - 本校在學學生,大三以上、碩士、博士、在職專班。
- 低於12人不開課。
- 曾選修「微學分課程-科技巨擘 引爆未來」且通過者,不可重複選修。
課程限定 Course Limited
期末謝師餐會 End-of-Term Appreciation Banquet
After completing the course, a buffet-style banquet will be held for instructors and students to communicate with each other in a relaxed way and build up their career network with enterprises in advance.