Lottery Draw Guidelines of 2025 Career Seminar
Date:March 22th, 2025 (Sat.) 13:00~15:10
Location:Hall of Fame
活動對象Event Eligibility:
Limited to current international students at National Tsing Hua University (excluding exchange students).
- 領獎時須持學生證及抽獎券存根聯核對身份領取,外籍人士須預扣20%所得稅
Prize winners must present their student ID card and the stub of the lottery ticket to verify identity during prize collection. Foreigners are subject to a 20% withholding tax.
Each person is eligible for one lottery draw, and only the individual named on the ticket may participate in the draw and claim the prize.
參加辦法 Participation Guidelines:
- 事先完成網路報名者可以參加活動抽獎(現場報名無法參加抽獎)
Participants who have completed online registration in advance are eligible for the event's lucky draw. (On-site registration is not eligible for the lucky draw)
- 報名期間:114/02/19(三)~114/03/19(三)下午5點止(本活動上限人數為70人,如提早達成報名人數,報名將提前截止。)
Registration Date:From February 19th (Wed.) to March 19th (Wed.) until 5pm.(The maximum number of participants for this event is 70. If the registration quota is reached early, registration will close in advance.)
Registration Website and QR Code: 
- 請務必準時到場,開場15分鐘後入場,恕不核發抽獎券
Please make sure to arrive on time. Entry will not be allowed 15 minutes after the event starts, and lottery tickets will not be issued after that time.
活動獎品內容 Prize Contents
獎項 Prize | 摸彩獎項(外籍人士須預扣20%所得稅) Lucky DrZaw Prizes (Foreigners are subject to a 20% withholding tax) | 份數 Quantity |
頭獎 Grand Prize | iPad 10 10.2-inch 64GB WiFi 
| 1 |
貳獎 Second Prize | Marshall Willen Portable Bluetooth Speaker 
| 1 |
- 抽獎時得獎人須在抽獎現場。唱名學號及姓名三次內請上台領獎,並攜帶學生證及抽獎券存根聯給工作人員查證,方獲得獎資格;若未完成上述條件,則視同放棄資格,重抽該獎項。
Prize winners must be present at the lottery drawing. Those who are called three times by their name and student ID should come on stage to claim their prize. Prize winners must bring their student ID card and the stub of the lottery ticket for verification by the staff to qualify for the prize. Failure to meet these conditions will be considered as giving up the eligibility, and the prize will be redrawn.
- 領獎時務必持學生證及抽獎卷存根聯核對身份領取,外籍人士須預扣20%所得稅。
When claiming the prize, it is essential to present the student ID card and verify the identity with the stub of the lottery ticket. Foreigners are subject to a 20% withholding tax.
- 主辦方保有更改獎項及活動辦法之權利,若仍有問題請洽學務處職涯發展組翁雨晨小姐:
The organizer reserves the right to change the prizes and event regulations. For further inquiries, please contact:
Division of Career Development, Ms. Weng
Tel:03-5715131 ext.62431